Learn Colored Pencils by
Meet Twice a Month with a Supportive Group. Or Choose to have access to pre-recorded Classes .
You may also get on the waiting List for my individual Mentoring program.

Best Value
Video Library Access
Every month
access to all the class videos
Valid until canceled
Access to any pre-recorded classes and reference materials

Best Value
Coffee & Colored Pencils
Every month
Join this supportive group.
Valid until canceled
 A live two-hour class on a Tuesday each month, 6-8pm ET
Live Critique each month, both recorded to re-watch
Access to all previous classes

Best Value
Every month
The Guidance you need
Valid until canceled
access to all benefits of the Coffee & Colored Pencil Club
Private Zoom Coaching
Contact me before signing up, space is limited

Best Value
Annual Video Library Access
Every year
Save 10% and pay annually.
Valid until canceled
All the benefits of the Video Library Access level.

Best Value
Annual Coffee & Colored Pencils Club
Every year
Save 10% and pay annually.
Valid until canceled
All the benefits of the Coffee & Colored Pencils Club

Best Value
Annual Mentorship Plan
Every year
Save 10% and pay annually.
Valid until canceled
All the benefits of the Mentorship program.
Choose your Subscription plan
Find one that works for you